Candace Owens

Democratic party candaces Owens

In the first place, Candace Owens was a Black Woman that had a no nonsence way about her. To summazie, and with this Blog. For the most part, this will be our first of many Blogs for the career of Candaces Owens.

Candace Owens (born April 29, 1989) is an American conservative commentator and political activist. As a result, she is known for her pro-Trump activism and her criticism of Black Lives Matter. Above all, and of the Democratic Party. Also, she is the Director of Communications at the conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA.

Early life and education as Candace Owens

First of all, let us just say after the divorce of Candace’s parents she was raised by her grandmother. For the most part, in Stamford Connecticut where she graduated High School.[

Trump Family

Candace Owens for President:

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Trump and Owens

As a result, in 2007 while attending high school Candace was threatened over the phone. In this case, traced the call to a 14-year-old son of the mayor Dannel Malloy. As a result, the Owens family sued and won a settlement of 37,500 from the board of education. Due to, alleging that the city did not protect her rights, in federal court.

Trump And Owens

Candace, enrolled in the University of Rhode Island pursuing an undergraduate degree in journalism. but for the most part, did not return after her junior year. In the meantime, in 2012 she worked for Vogue magazine. Also a private equity firm as an administrative assistant.

Candaces Owens, Degree180 and anti-conservative blog:


Conversely, Owens, connected to a web site called Degree180. For the most part, it is a marketing company with consulting and planning services. Namely posting anti-Trump content and criticized conservatives. In this case, she poked fun at the president’s Penis size. Subsequently, she wrote about the “bat-shit-crazy antics of the GOP Tea Party. As a result, “Her comment was that she hopes that they will die off soon.

Privacy violation, Gamergate and political transformation:Candaces Owens

Consequently, Candace started another web site Exposing Bullies on the internet. For example, tracking their digital footprint. In addition, they would collect offensive post from which they categorized by user name. As a result, it drew criticism, and became controversial, making it doxing and calling it a public shaming list. In short Retaliatory Harassment and both sides condemned it…

Because Candace Blamed progressives involved in the Gamergate controversy. As a result, she earned the support of Trump supporters Milo Yiannopulos and Mike Cernovich. and went on to join the conservatives overnight.
I realized that liberals were actually the racists. Liberals were actually the trolls … Social Autopsy is why I’m conservative”.


Above all, Candace Owens launched Red Pill Black in 2017, a web site and youtube channel that promotes black conservatism in the united states. most importantly she became known as the Pro -Trump commentary and criticizing liberal rhetoric regarding structural racism, systemic inequality and identity politics.

Candaces Owens Conservative activism:


Candace Owens, Hired by Charlie Kirk founder at the MAGA Rally and Expo in Rockford Illinois, Turning point USA on Nov 21, 2017, as the director of urban engagement, from which there was a wake of allegations of racism at Turning point.

Ms. Ownes

As a result, In April 2018, Kanye West tweeted “I love the way Candace Owens thinks.” Namely, on politics in our country, she represents an ever-expanding group of very smart ‘thinkers,’. and it is wonderful to watch and hear the dialogue going on…so good for our Country!”

Candace Owens has appeared on fringe conspiracy websites, such as InfoWars. In 2018, she was a guest host on Fox News. in brief, After finding mainstream success, Owens distanced herself from the far-right conspiracy websites. In this case, she refused to criticize InfoWars or its hosts.

Political views

Candaces Owens


Owens has said: “The left hates America, and Trump loves it. She has said that the left is “destroying everything through this cultural Marxist ideology.

Climate change:


Extract dollars from Americans”. is all Dems want to do, from climate change Owens said.
When asked about global warming, Owens responded: “I don’t believe it’s real.


Owens is a registered National Rifle Association (NRA) member. As a rule, the NRA trained African Americans to arm themselves. NRA founded by Union Civil War veterans to improve soldiers’ marksmanship.

Muslim immigration:

Most importantly, the USA would bail out the British, she said, First of all, In 2018, Owens warned that “Europe will fall and become a Muslim majority continent by 2050.” “Above all, There has never been a Muslim majority country where sharia law was not implemented.”

To begin with, Candaces Owens is a very good voice for black America of today. For the most part, as she said “Black People that change from left to right Don’t go back… As a result, ms Owens will be a front runner for an elected office. Furthermore, and welcomed by the right with open arms. Ms. Owens with her aggressive poise and her positive attitude will go far in the political arena. Conversely, the very presence of candaces provokes the best of the American people as she has this, takes no prisoners, Debate style. Above all, her point blank snappy responses gives her a new outlook as to the political correctness of her Demeanor…

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