UPDATE February 2019

The Lost Ways 2 is a very good book and updated from the first book The lost ways. ( This book is in color) To summarize, this is a great find and a must for information on the run, without the internet…As a rule, this book and others like it will be the difference between life and death. Subsequently, you will f… die without these skills…In short, there won’t be time to get the skills you need or information when everything is going wrong…

Superfood Has the Longest shelf life.

Most importantly, this superfood has the longest shelf life ever (it will outlast you).
Above all, this lost food has just recently been unearthed by NASA scientists (Also in the lost ways 2)
Realizing its potential to resist extreme conditions. As a result, they’ve started giving away rations of it to our astronauts during their month-long space missions. In short, the best part is that you can make it at home. Hence, right now and add it to your food stockpiles.


How to make NASA’s superfood at home.

By the way, I almost forgot to mention all of its other benefits such as increasing energy, boosting immunity. Coupled with, improving bone health and much, much more. Furthermore, find out everything you need to know right here.

As a rule, this superfood has the longest shelf life ever (it will outlast you.)

First off, I want to make this clear: no, it’s not Pemmican.

For the most part, after some extra digging I managed to find more secrets that were almost lost to history. Also, I’m more than happy to share them with you.

In The Lost Ways 2 you’ll not only find out what this superfood is, but you’ll also discover all the survival skills necessary for any crisis, including a lot of methods preserving meat for over a year without refrigeration and how to make the lost samurai superfood. And much, much more.

Click here to see everything you’ll find in The Lost Ways 2.

SYour one and only chance to uncover these lost secrets


In The Lost Ways 2, you’ll discover almost all the edible and medicinal plants in North America, including a powerful painkiller. Together with, a driveway antibiotic weed, a back-pain relief plant, and a lot, lot more… This time all with colored pictures.

Plus a lot of bonus never before seen content that will teach you how to make 3 long-forgotten super-foods. Above all, that will outlast you… And much, much more:

Like when the hurricane is barreling down on them…

Or that catastrophic earthquake strikes…


Coupled with, a tornado rips their town a new one…


Or wildfires ravage their community.


But by then… like I said… it’s too late.

They have to trust luck… or turn to dear old Uncle Sam to bail them out.


Discovered in the Andes Mountains.

Most importantly, what I unearthed has the power to change your life as well…

So, you’ll NEVER have to worry about having enough food for you and your family….

You’ll NEVER have to wait for hours and hours in Uncle Sam’s soup line….

And you can take pride in knowing YOUR family… will be incredibly well-fed in ANY crisis…

It’s so nutritious that it sustained the great Incan civilization through a four-year super drought that all but wiped out their southern neighbors.


This superfood is a snap to prepare…

requires no refrigeration…

…and has a decade-long shelf life.


As a rule, the Incas would simply store it in pit-holes and feast on it year-round.

Consequently, while their civilization has long since perished, their lost superfood was just recently unearthed by NASA scientists.

As a result, realizing its potential to resist extreme conditions. Thus, they’ve started giving away rations of it to our astronauts during their month-long space missions.


Incidentally, they found the recipe to be so effective that they classified it to keep it from hard-working Americans.

But… because of my trip to the Andes Mountains… I’ve made it my mission to blow the lid off of what I would call a diabolical cover-up.


Because EVERY American deserves to have access to this now TOP SECRET formulation!

And finally, what if I told you that you already have every single ingredient. For the most part, in your kitchen to make this lost superfood. – RIGHT NOW?

Likewise, that’s right – it doesn’t have to cost you a dime more than what you’ve already spent on groceries.

Wouldn’t you want to know about it?

I’ll also uncover two more long-lasting superfoods that we’ve lost to history.

And guess what. Not even NASA, the CIA, the FBI, or FEMA know about them-yet.

Having them in YOUR pantry will place you miles and miles ahead of the average American while banishing any and all fears of starvation for good.

You’ll NEVER have to wonder if you can afford to provide for your family.

And what’s more, you can even have more than enough to provide for your neighbors as well.

Claude Davis

I’ll also show you a few more remarkable ones that shouldn’t have been forgotten – things that I’ve unraveled in the past two years and managed to save for you in The Lost Ways Second Edition.

The Lost Ways 2

Also, two other superfoods that cost almost nothing to make. Most importantly, will keep you and your family well fed no matter what happens.


Also, one of the most important things I’m going to teach you in the Lost Ways – second edition. -To begin with, show how to use ordinary plants. (that are probably growing in your backyard right now) For instance, and turn them into powerful remedies:

In addition, one of our readers, Kaylee, started building her cabin a few weeks ago. In short, using the method that you’ll find in The Lost Ways -second edition-. She’s almost finished building her own log cabin with only $500 spent so far. It’s still a work in progress, but most of it is done.


So how will you feel in a crisis to be the only one? Above all, who can keep the wind and rain off your family? Such as, if you’ll ever be forced to leave your home for good?

I will also show you what to build around the house to store and filter rainwater, to preserve food. Thereby, to defend your home, to live without electricity and many, many more. Namely, like the small medicinal garden you need to have in your backyard.

How to become self-sufficient on 4 acres of land

Imagine stepping out onto your porch in the morning, breathing in the fresh country air and looking out.


In the meantime, you’ll see your rows of greens to one side, then a cornfield in front…In brief, next to it your cow grazing peacefully. Above all, Chickens pecking around, pigs rolling in dirt and all the other farm animals will be there as well. Most importantly, to provide meat, eggs, and milk. You’ll have a smokehouse to make all those meat goodies. For the most part, a large pantry and even root cellar to keep them.

The second report you’ll get is “What Do You Need to Have Ready Before An EMP”.

Click here for Lost ways