Video Game Tester Jobs

Get Paid to Play Video Games!

  • With Video game tester, Receive New and Unreleased Games to test or review (You can keep them or sell them later on!)
  • Also, get New Products to test and review such as Game consoles, accessories, controllers, etc…
  • Above all, get Invited to game conferences, launches, exhibits and conventions such as E3, Japan Game Expo and many more!
  • As a result, get Special Walkthroughs, Cheat Codes, Secrets, and other “Exploits” that only game testers know about!

In short, you enjoy playing video games and want to get paid to play them, then this is for YOU ..Such As A Professional Video Game Tester Getting Paid To Play Video Games!”

Read on to see how you can join our happy elite band who can truly say their hobby is their living – and all from the comfort of home!

Definitely recommended to all video gamers looking to make quick cash or earn a fulltime living playing games. 

Great work guys, Two thumbs way up!!!Chris Page
Editor in Chief
Shoot Em’ Up Gaming Magazine

To begin with, Hi Fellow Gamer … Most importantly, did you know everyday Gaming companies pay big bucks to people like you and me? Above all, just to know what we are thinking? It’s true! As a rule, they are desperate to understand how you think and shop and why you buy certain Games. In addition to, Products because this helps their companies improve their products, and they, in turn, they pay YOU. Generally, good money for your opinion. As a rule, they Need You! Right now, I have hundreds of market research firms and game companies looking for video game testers. Also, survey takers and beta testers. If you are looking for working full time, or want to make some extra cash. is your ticket to fun, easy money.


When you join and start working with our Unique Job System…

  • Also, you can get paid to Play New and Unreleased Games
  • Similarly, you can get paid to take online surveys and make from $5 to $75 each, or more
  • As a rule, you can get paid to participate in focus groups and makeup to $150 an hour
  • Most importantly, you can get paid to try new Games, Gaming Consoles, Controllers or other products and keep the free products too!
  • You can get paid to preview new movie or game trailers for $4 to $25 an hour
  • You can get paid to review new Games for up to $30 an hour

These are just SOME of the ways you can make money with our video game tester jobs and strategic partnerships with MAJOR corporations!

Choose your reward as a video game tester!

As a rule, video game companies value your opinions and will reward you for sharing them. Incidentally, what’s better than playing games for money in your spare time? For instance, the more games you test and surveys you take, the more opportunities you’ll have to collect points. Thus, redeem them for cash and other great rewards.

Most importantly, get cash for testing games! (Console, PC, and mobile games!)

In addition, receive free games and a copy of the released version of the game you have tested!

In short, receive free gaming accessories as a reward by participating in gaming surveys and product testing jobs!

Also, receive Xbox live points and vouchers for participating on online beta games

Random gifts for participating such as mugs, powerbanks, usb drives and other corporate giveaways!

Starbucks gift cards and merchandise from our partners

Receive Razer Products such as gaming mouse, gaming led keyboards and more!

Receive cash sent directly to your PayPal account for testing games and answering surveys. (Up to $100 per survey!)

Playstation plus points and vouchers for participating on online beta games.

Amazon gift cards and e-vouchers.

Also, receive iTunes/Spotify gift cards by participating on the game soundtrack and music surveys!

As a result, receive Cash and Free Apps by testing mobile games!

Above all, receive a free subscription from Netflix as a reward for participating in gaming and movie related surveys

Also, Receive Target gift cards or online vouchers

For the most part, get Invited to game conferences, launches, exhibits and conventions such as E3, Japan Game Expo and many more!

Also, receive Cash paid to your bank account/wire transfer on earnings above $1,000!

How long does it take?

Most users make money or redeem their first reward within 24 hours! Everyone earns at their own pace, so it’s up to you!

Online Video Game Tester Benefits:

Most importantly, No Boss, No Noisy Alarm Clocks, and Definitely No Schedules!
As a rule, you make your own decisions. To begin with, there are no unrealistic deadlines and nobody telling you how much to work. For the most part, you get to decide how much you work, part-time, full-time or OVERTIME.

Also, we aren’t Filthy Rich, But We Sure Enjoy What We Do!
Incidentally, we are normal people, we don’t flaunt our money, or dine expensively every night. As a result, we just enjoy ourselves and what we do. First of all, we have never released this information until now, and there has been an overwhelmingly successful response from it!

Start Getting Paid To Play Games!

Also, I am so sure that you will love how much money you make I guarantee you:

Above all, “If does not make you money playing games just let me know within sixty days. Above all, I will gladly refund your subscription. No questions asked.”

Also, I have found this to be one of the easiest and most fun ways to make money online today. (mostly because I get to spend more time with my family and hang out with friends and still have time. Above all, for my other hobbies beside playing video games). As a result, you can have this life too. Start NOW by putting your first name and email address in the box above and click ‘Continue’ to get started.

Here are some stories from other folks just like you who once were skeptical but aren’t any longer…

video game tester info

Story’s of people that love Gaming

In addition, finishing my college degree, I decided to rest for a while. To begin with, during this time I was able to have time again playing games. So then, when I saw your site I gave it a try and thank goodness I tried. Namely, coz right now I no longer need to look for a job, as I already have the perfect job! Thanks to you, I earn more being a part-time game tester. As a rule, compared to a full time and boring 8-5 day job.

– Ryan Carter
Video Game Tester, Piedmont, CA

video game testers

Hi there,

Consequently, I have to say there is nothing better than making money from something that you really love doing… So thank you for letting me earn good money from what I love to do best! – Playing First Person Shooters and RPGS!

– Henry Williams
Video Game Tester, UK

video game tester image

By the way, If you are serious about a career in the gaming industry, then look no further! gives you foolproof, step by step instructions and list of companies guaranteed to earn you money! also, I started 3 weeks ago and now earned $790 using the information found in the site.

-Gongsan Young
Video Game Tester, Korea

Start Getting Paid To Play Games!

Everything is online, so once you signup you will have INSTANT ACCESS to the members area. So, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Get Started Today!

We look forward to seeing you inside,

Start Getting Paid To Play Games!

Recent games that have been launched where our members have contributed:

Start Getting Paid To Play Games!